At HYDROPONIC GENERATIONS we have been creating the right chemistry for growers and hobbyists since 1994. Our goal is to manufacture and deliver the best-quality, scientifically balanced products for today’s commercial farmers and home growers. We are an Australia-based company whose products can be found throughout the world including Antarctica where they are used for hydroponic food production.
Each HY-GEN® product is designed for a specific purpose and optimised for performance while making it simple for growers to use. The HY-GEN® brand represents many years of specialised knowledge accumulated from a broad range of scientific disciplines by our founder chemist and owner.
Every batch of finished products is quality tested to ensure that specific standards are met; therefore, every product has a guarantee of consistent quality.
HY-GEN® products contain local and globally sourced high-grade quality ingredients. The ingredients include natural organic components that are carefully selected for their plant health promotion and nutrient transport characteristics. Analytical grade reagents are used in all instrument maintenance and care products. All ingredients are regularly screened to ensure that they meet the most stringent criteria.
Our guarantee of quality also covers our processes and regular rigorous maintenance of all production systems, including the calibration of purification, measuring and scientific quality control systems. In addition, quality control testing is outsourced to ensure that all reporting is unbiased and guarantee that all steps in the process are maintained as optimally as possible.
When you buy a HY-GEN® product, you are also buying ‘peace of mind’, knowing that we do all the hard work to consistently deliver on our integrity, knowledge and decades of experience in each product. This is our goal so that you can focus on growing your favourite plants while becoming an experienced, expert gardener.
Thank you for choosing and using our HY-GEN® range of products.
I have been involved in the Hydroponic industry for more than two decades and enjoy being a grower myself. I always endeavour to expand my knowledge of plant science and technology and always strive to investigate and embrace new and emerging science. It is my passion to pass on knowledge, not only about our products but also to impart broader knowledge from many other disciplines which make up the world of science.
Even though many other companies have access to a good knowledge base, few owners have a university trained scientific understanding. They have to rely on outsourced experts and even then it comes down to how the information is communicated or more importantly, how it is interpreted. I have more than a decade’s experience in research and development. Also, I have taught university undergraduate, post graduate and PhD level students in disciplines including chemistry, botany, crops and pasture, forensic, nutrition, environmental and analytical chemistry.
I have also worked as a scientific consultant at university where I would investigate and solve problems, which were placed in the ‘too hard’ basket. It didn’t matter whether it was determining the source of strange odours found inside potato chip packets or figuring out whether plastic derivatives were suitable for optical lens implants. Every problem had an interesting scientific story.
My goal is to continue growing and sharing knowledge by continuing to educate both hobby and commercial growers. I will also continue to deliver world-class quality products to the local and global markets. Happy Growing!